Elevate Your Intimacy

Initiations to feel ecstatically alive and divinely embodied

I love exploring with humans of all abilities, experience levels, races and genders, and I am LGBTQ+ and ethical non-monogamist-friendly. I’d be happy to discuss with you how Tantra and BDSM play can amplify all your relations.

We live in a world where we are not taught how to love ourselves or liberate our sexual expression. By nature, we are erotic beings. We have desires and fantasies and get excited. However, we are conditioned by society to believe that our sexuality is bad and wrong. We don’t give ourselves the fullest permission to explore our own erotic body because of shame and guilt. This leads us to not only not knowing our bodies, but not feeling safe in them. As long as we hold fear, that fear is going to distance ourselves from our power, our holiness and our relationships. Most people would rather go into distraction and addiction than look deeply into and feel the trauma and uncomfortable sensations and memories that are stored in the body on a cellular level. As we do the deep inner work around intimacy, we feel more vibrant and connected.

Tantra encompasses every aspect of living. It’s about how we live, how we breathe, eat, sleep, work, play and love. Tantra is a practice of living life in a way that creates power and magic. Tantra does not exclude any portion of the human experience - it includes the full spectrum of humanity. It embraces the shadow and the light. It gives permission for every experience, especially the ones that are not usually accepted.

Let’s embark on a journey to help you feel more pleasure, purpose and fulfillment than you ever thought possible…


Successful couples have mastered these 3 pillars, whether they realize it’s Tantra or not:

  1. Deep listening, attunement, co-regulation and healthy communication

  2. Infinite trust in themselves, each other, and Spirit

  3. An erotic flame that burns brighter, year after year

When I work with couples, these are the three pillars that serve as the foundation of our explorations. 

Couples come to me feeling frustrated, fragmented, and on the verge of separating. Whether monogamous, polyamorous, or somewhere in between, they’re usually facing challenges such as:

  • Sexual incompatibility & conflicting desires

  • Jealousy, insecurity, possessiveness

  • Communication breakdowns

  • Post-honeymoon phase monotony 

  • Deciding whether to stay together or break up

And sometimes, they’re feeling solid in their union and want to celebrate by sharing an expansive, erotic experience!

In our sessions, the intention is to cultivate safety, harmony, and erotic union between you and your partner. We will explore both your individual and mutual desires and intentions.

Through a shared journey of tantric breathwork, intersubjective meditation, guided touch, and coaching – each partner taps into their power. And in finding your individual power, together you’ll create a newly impassioned union…filled with emotional connection, honest communication, and erotic enchantment.

The focus can be solely placed on the bond with your partner, or it has the potential to expand and include the exploration of intimacy involving a third party.


King, I see you.

You’ve got the job, the house, the car, and maybe even the partner you’ve always strived for.

Yet still, something feels to be missing. There’s an insatiable hunger in you so strong, sometimes you question if your desires are compulsions. 

I’m here to tell you that your longing for deeper intimacy is not a flaw in your character. It’s a symptom of this wildly disconnected world we live in.

Here’s the remedy: It’s in you experiencing a relationship with another where your desires are not wrong, your sexuality is not shameful, and your masculine power is seen and celebrated. The first step to this delicious and devotional external relationship, is to cultivate a reverent relationship with all parts of yourself. My work is for spiritual seekers who crave a journey beyond the physical.

If you allow me to be your muse, you will…

  • Create balance in your masculine and feminine energies, to feel an embodied sense of inner union and wholeness

  • Feel your body and express your emotions

  • Explore fantasies and liberate from shame slaveries

  • Experience your sexuality as sacred and holy

  • Re-pattern arousal to a non-goal oriented experience

  • Develop physical awareness and sensitivity to expand pleasure and appreciate the full spectrum of sensation

  • Receive touch and experience the satisfaction of being deeply attuned to

  • Express yourself authentically, while feeling loved, accepted, and seen

  • Feel empowered as you discover desires, fears, boundaries, needs and learn to communicate them with a partner

  • Learn how to expand your capacity when experiencing heightened sensation and prolong ejaculation

Ready to begin?


Sister, I’m here for you.

The women who come to me are seekers drawn to the mystery of tantra, hungry to discover their wild, sexy, liberated radiance.

Perhaps you’ve noticed another woman who seems to inhabit her body in a way that inspires you, and you’re longing to know what she knows.

She glows with confidence. She’s juicy and alive. She’s unashamed of her body. 

If you’re ready to take a powerful step forward to becoming the most sexually awakened version of yourself, and you want to do so within the safe container of 1:1 with a trusted sister, I’m here to guide you.

As a result of our work together, you will…

  • Create healthy boundaries for yourself

  • Provide yourself with safety and inner security

  • Become irresistible to your desired lovers

  • Create balance in your masculine and feminine energies, to feel an embodied sense of inner union and wholeness

  • Experience more freedom and sovereignty in your relationships than ever before

  • Learn to truly love your body and accept yourself, so that you radiate delight and playfulness

  • Enhance your creativity in the realms of seduction, flirtation and magnetism

Feeling curious with full-bodied tingles?

Client Love